Various pictures from towing around Massachusetts
Towing the Cashman dredge SEI-34 to Fairhaven, MA- December 2005
The barge had aa area on it that the crane would put the mud. We would then back her out to a scow and off load the material into the larger barge.
In the Cape Cod Canal
Sunrise at New Bedford
Taking the SEI-34 through the Rt 6 bridge
Alongside the Comoletti
Morning in New Bedford looking out to Buzzards Bay
Alongside the dump scow Mighty Quinn
Close quarters in Fairhaven, (The siding was already like that!)
We were dredging this marina. It was part of the Superfund cleanup of New Bedford Harbor.
Backing the dredge SEI 34 out of the marina
The loaded 10 yd bucket dropped on one swing and fell right through the pier.
Taking the Como;etti through the Rt 6 bridge
Comoletti and Quinn in New Bedford Harbor. The Comoletti was spudded down to hold the Quinn in place.
Loading the SEI-34
Pulling up to the Quinn
Offloading in to the Quinn
Tending the Quinn
Copyright 2008. Alll Rights Reserved. Pat Folan Photos.