GULF COAST - 2010 - PAGE 1
On June 8, 2010, I began work on Bay River Marine's Lisa Michelle. We worked with the GLDD Dredge California at the Head of the Passes. The California worked at the head of the Pass A Loutre pumpming mud/sand/silt to a barrier island being built to protect a part of Louisiana from BP's oil. We supported the dredge and ran barges back and forth from Venice, LA - about 10 miles up the Mississippi River.
The Lisa Michelle is a 1,200 hp, 66' x 24' x 8' towboat based out of Mobile, AL
Capt Suard alongside our crane barge in Venice
Jack-up rigs in Slip One in Venice
C_PEC in Slip One
Boats come and go about every five minutes with boom for the spill. If it floats, it carries it. Used boom is brought here, cleaned, repaired and sent back out.
Baby D pushing the Capt Herbert into Slip One
Lorina topping around in Slip One
Sunrise at Head of the Passes
© 2010. Pat Folan Photos. All Rights Reserved.